The Pendulum

This unique art piece was launched at the Interior Design Show18 in Toronto. Built from beautifully proportioned 100% merino wool felt wrapping and constructed leather with brass accents. The piece has a powerful presence with it's sculptured forms playing over 6 feet suspended from above. The Pendulum seems to balance in space invisibly.

Please email Lorraine for inquiries about price and commissioning a Pendulum for one of your spaces. Subscribe to our mailing list to see new artworks from Lorraine.

Materials: Wool felt, leather, nautical rope, brass ring, brass tubing

Size: 6' x 26"(13"from the centre rope.)


Wall Art

I also create original artworks in materials that spring from all my work. These unique wall pieces are made from leather, felt and wool. I can work with multiple colour approaches and scales. 

Please email Lorraine for inquiries about price and commissioning an original piece of art for one of your spaces. Subscribe to our mailing list to see new artworks from Lorraine.

'Fields and Forms' original art.
24" x 24", leather, felt, wool on wood panel.